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Advanced Usage¤

The vampnet plugin offers a great amount of parameters to customize the output of the plugin and explore different variations of your track. The following table gives an overview of the most important parameters:

Parameter Description
rand_mask_intensity The random mask intensity (if this is less than 1, scatters prompts throughout the audio, should be between 0.9 and 1.0).
n_conditioning_codebooks The number of conditioning codebooks (probably 0).
prefix_s The number of seconds to use as a prefix.
suffix_s The number of seconds to use as a suffix.
periodic_p The periodic prompt (0 - unconditional, 2 - lots of hints, 8 - a couple of hints, 16 - occasional hint, 32 - very occasional hint, etc).
periodic_w The periodic prompt width (steps, 1 step ~= 10milliseconds).
onset_mask_width The onset mask width (multiplies with the periodic mask, 1 step ~= 10milliseconds).
beat_mask_width The beat prompt in ms.
beat_mask_downbeats Whether to mask downbeats only.
dropout The dropout probability.
num_steps The number of steps to use (should normally be between 12 and 36).
top_p The top p probability. (0.0 = off)
masktemp The mask temperature to use.
sampletemp The sample temperature to use.
typical_filtering Whether to use typical filtering.
typical_mass The typical mass to use (should probably stay between 0.1 and 0.5).
typical_min_tokens The typical minimum tokens to use (should probably stay between 1 and 256).


If you're interested in more details be sure to read the VampNet paper on arxiv.

Preset patterns from the official paper¤


Parameter Value
periodic_p 0
onset_mask_width 0
beat_mask_width 0
beat_mask_downbeats False

Slight Periodic Variation¤

Parameter Value
periodic_p 5
onset_mask_width 5
beat_mask_width 0
beat_mask_downbeats False

Moderate Periodic Variation¤

Parameter Value
periodic_p 13
onset_mask_width 5
beat_mask_width 0
beat_mask_downbeats False

Strong Periodic Variation¤

Parameter Value
periodic_p 17
onset_mask_width 5
beat_mask_width 0
beat_mask_downbeats False

Very Strong Periodic Variation¤

Parameter Value
periodic_p 21
onset_mask_width 5
beat_mask_width 0
beat_mask_downbeats False

Beat-Driven Variation¤

Parameter Value
periodic_p 0
onset_mask_width 0
beat_mask_width 50
beat_mask_downbeats False

Beat-Driven Variation (Downbeats Only)¤

Parameter Value
periodic_p 0
onset_mask_width 0
beat_mask_width 50
beat_mask_downbeats True

Beat-Driven Variation (Downbeats Only, Strong)¤

Parameter Value
periodic_p 0
onset_mask_width 0
beat_mask_width 20
beat_mask_downbeats True