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Advanced Usage¤

Changing the default model¤

Per default the htdemucs_6s model is used and 6 different stem_types will be extracted: vocals, drums, bass, other, piano, guitar.

To change the model, simply pass the model parameter to the plugin:

stems = nd.plugins.stemify_demucs(


Only htdemucs_6s supports all 6 stem_types. For other models refer to the official demucs documentation.

Since we build on top of demucs, all models from demucs are available.

Model Name Description Notes
htdemucs First version of Hybrid Transformer Demucs. Trained on MusDB + 800 songs. Default model.
htdemucs_ft Fine-tuned version of htdemucs. Separation takes 4x more time, might be better. Same training set as htdemucs.
htdemucs_6s 6 sources version of htdemucs, with piano and guitar added. Piano source not performing well currently.
hdemucs_mmi Hybrid Demucs v3. Retrained on MusDB + 800 songs.
mdx Trained only on MusDB HQ. Winning model on track A at the MDX challenge.
mdx_extra Trained with extra data. Includes MusDB test set, 2nd on track B of MDX challenge.
mdx_q, mdx_extra_q Quantized versions of mdx and mdx_extra. Smaller download and storage, slightly worse quality.
SIG Single model from the model zoo. -

For more information go to their github page

Changing the stem_types parameter¤

This parameter allows finer grained control on the resulting stems you want to extract. Per default the following stem_types are available: vocals, drums, bass, other, piano, guitar. However if for example you only want to extract the vocals and the background, you can do so by passing the following parameter:

stems = nd.plugins.stemify_demucs(
    stem_types=["vocals", "no_vocals"],

Of course this works with all stem types, so to extract the drums from a track you can do:

stems = nd.plugins.stemify_demucs(
    stem_types=["drums", "no_drums"],