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There are two primary ways in which nendo can be configured:

Passing a NendoConfig upon nendo initialization

Inside your python app:

from nendo import Nendo, NendoConfig

nd = Nendo(
        # more configuration variables ...

Using environment variables

Inside the shell, before starting Python, execute for each desired configuration variable:

$ export LIBRARY_PATH=./my_library
$ export LOG_LEVEL=debug
# more configuration variables ...

Configuration Reference¤

NendoConfig Env var Type Default Description
log_level LOG_LEVEL str "info" The log level with which the nendo logger runs.
log_file_path LOG_FILE_PATH str "" The path to where the nendo log should be saved. If none is given (empty string), print to stdout
plugins PLUGINS List[str] [] List of plugins package names to be loaded with Nendo.
library_plugin LIBRARY_PLUGIN str "default" The name of the nendo library plugin to use. Typically, its name follows the pattern nendo_plugin_library_[name], where [name] is the name of the database backend. If set to "default", the default DuckDB implementation of the NendoLibrary will be used.
library_path LIBRARY_PATH str "nendo_library" The path to the directory to be used for storing the nendo Library files.
user_name USER_NAME str "nendo" The name of the nendo user to be used for the NendoLibrary. Only relevant if deploying nendo together with an API server.
user_id USER_ID str "ffffffff-1111-2222-3333-1234567890ab" The user ID of the default user to be used for the NendoLibrary. Only relevant if deploying nendo together with an API server.
auto_resample AUTO_RESAMPLE bool False Flag that determines whether tracks should be automatically resampled upon import.
default_sr DEFAULT_SR int 44100 The default sample rate to be used when auto-resampling tracks upon import.
copy_to_library COPY_TO_LIBRARY bool True Flag that determines whether an imported track's file should be copied into the nendo library.
auto_convert AUTO_CONVERT bool True Flag that determines whether an imported track's file should be converted to Nendo's standard file format (.wav).
skip_duplicate SKIP_DUPLICATE bool True Flag that determines whether a track that points to a file that already exists in the library can be important multiple times. If True, always the file that already exists in the library will be used instead.
replace_plugin_data REPLACE_PLUGIN_DATA bool False Flag that determines whether plugin data should be replaced, if for a specific plugin name, version and key, two values are added consecutively via track.add_plugin_data() or nendo.library.add_plugin_data(). If True, the second call will cause Nendo to overwrite the existing value for the given plugin name, version and key combination. If False, the plugin data will be added in addition to the existing one. Defaults to False.
max_threads MAX_THREADS int 2 Maximum number of threads to be used for multiprocessing tasks.
batch_size BATCH_SIZE int 10 Batch size to use for multiprocessing tasks.
stream_mode STREAM_MODE bool False Flag that enables stream mode: With stream mode, all functions that return multiple items, such as e.g. nd.get_tracks() return an Iterator instead of a List.
stream_chunk_size STREAM_CHUNK_SIZE int 1 Size of the chunks (in items) in which the Interators will give back the results. Ignored if stream_mode is False.