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Nendo Plugin VoiceGen StyleTTS2¤

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A text to speech plugin based on StyleTTS2.


[!WARNING] This plugin is currently only supported on Linux. We are actively working on adding support for MacOS. But since we are using espeak-ng as a backend, we are limited to Linux.

Please install the requirements for StyleTTS2:

pip install git+
sudo apt-get install espeak-ng


  1. Install Nendo
  2. pip install nendo-plugin-voicegen-styletts2


Take a look at a basic usage example below. For more detailed information and other plugin examples, please refer to the documentation.

>>> from nendo import Nendo
>>> nd = Nendo(plugins=["nendo_plugin_voicegen_styletts2"])
>>> track = nd.library.add_track(file_path="path/to/file.mp3")

>>> track = nd.plugins.voicegen_styletts2(track=track)